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Código de Conducta

Welcome to Cardiodinamics, an online community dedicated to providing information, support, and resources related to cardiovascular health. To maintain a safe, respectful, and enriching environment for all our users, we ask you to follow this code of conduct:


Respect and Courtesy: Treat all members of the community with respect and courtesy. Recognize and value the opinions and experiences of others, even if they differ from yours.


Appropriate Language: Avoid the use of offensive, discriminatory, vulgar, or disrespectful language in all your interactions on our website, including blog posts, comments on the forum, and any communication with other users.


Privacy and Confidentiality: Respect the privacy and confidentiality of all users. Do not share personal or confidential information of other users without their explicit consent.


Constructive Participation: Contributes constructively to the discussions in the forum and the blog comments. Share relevant information, useful experiences, and resources that can benefit the community as a whole.


Veracity and Accuracy: Share accurate and verified information in all your interactions on our website. Avoid spreading rumors, or false or unverified information that may cause confusion or harm to other users.


Compliance with Regulations: Respects and complies with all regulations and policies established on our website, including those related to patient registration, access to medical records, and online payment.


Problem Report: If you notice any behavior that violates this code of conduct or any other concern related to the safety or well-being of the community, please report it immediately to the Cardiodinamics administration team.


Failure to comply with this code of conduct may result in disciplinary measures, including the removal of publications, the suspension or prohibition of accounts, and other actions as necessary to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all.


Thank you for being part of the Cardiodinamics community and for contributing to creating a positive and enriching online space for everyone.

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