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Know your numbers

It is estimated that the main cause of death globally is associated with cardiovascular diseases, mainly acute myocardial infarction. We are committed to reducing the incidence of these events, so we provide you with tools and recommendations to promote prevention.

9 out of 10 people

they have at least 1 cardiovascular risk

3 out of 10 deaths

are associated to cardiovascular diseases

1 / Blood pressure

High blood pressure carries a risk due to the stress of the artery walls, generating inflammation and vascular damage. Normal blood pressure is systolic below 120 and diastolic below 80 mmHg. Hypertension increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 2 times.


What is high blood pressure?

2 / Smoking

Substances derived from tobacco are responsible for generating inflammation, in this case of the vascular endothelium (the inner layer of the arteries), favoring the deposit of fats and an increase in the risk of infarction by 3 times those of a person without this risk.

How to stop smoking?

3 / Glucose

High blood glucose generates compounds derived from its interaction with oxygen and tissues, leading to inflammation and the deposit of fat in the arteries. Normal glucose levels are between 60-99 mg/dl (3.3-5.6 mmol/L). Diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 3 times.

4 / Overweight and obesity

Obesity is a major cardiovascular risk factor, increasing the risk by 2 times. It is evaluated by the Body Mass Index (BMI).


Low BMI < 18.5


Normal BMI 18.5-24.9


Overweight 25-29.9


Obesity >30

BMI formula

Calculate your BMI

5 / Kidney diseases

Kidney diseases increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 3 times. It is important to have a close follow-up with your cardiologist and to be referred to a kidney specialist if necessary. One of the ways to evaluate it is through serum creatinine, which must be below 1.0-1.2 mg/dl.

6 / Psychosocial stress

Psychological disorders can bring an increase in cardiovascular risk up to 2.5 times more to people without this condition. Therefore, we recommend maintaining adequate mental health and having meditation strategies to reduce this risk.

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Let's take care of your heart

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