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What are the symptoms of the disease?
Symptoms of Covid-19

Coronavirus is a small RNA virus, which takes advantage of cells to make copies of itself and spread through the body. This virus can generate a wide variety of symptoms, which can sometimes go unnoticed (called asymptomatic carriers, who can bring the infection to other people without noticing) until presenting severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing. In general (in 60-70% of cases) it usually resembles flu symptoms, so it is very important that if they have symptoms of this type they avoid infecting more people by staying at home and applying social distancing measures.
The most common symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 are the following:
Dry cough
Other symptoms that may occur are Difficulty breathing, muscle and joint pains, sore throat, diarrhea, chills, and temporary loss of smell and taste. In 10% of cases, heart-related symptoms may occur, find out which ones by clicking here.
In case of presenting symptoms related to the coronavirus, it is extremely important not to leave the house and call local telephone numbers to validate the possibility of the infection and determine the need to move to a hospital authorized to treat patients with COVID-19.
The telephone line enabled for reports and doubts is: (enabled 24 hours)
In the State of Mexico 800 900 32 00
The rest of the Mexican Republic 800 004 48 00